Kick-off for the H2REAL project

by | Jun 14, 2023 | News, Weitere News

The project consortium H2REAL met on 06th of June 2023 for the first joint project meeting and starts officially with the implementation of the Hydrogen Valley East Austria.

What’s the project about?
The project aims to develop a Hydrogen Valley as a key for hydrogen technology and applications in the region of Eastern Austria. Eastern Austria offers the perfect environment to demonstrate the implementation of an integrated value chain of production, storage, distribution and usage of H2.

We congratulate the consortium on the successful kick-off!

Industry partners: Wien Energie, Austrian Power Grid AG, Energie Burgenland AG, Energienetze Steiermark GmbH, Gas Connect Austria GmbH, Hafen Wien GmbH, Linde, movingpower GmbH, Netz Burgenland GmbH, NÖ Netz, Wiener Linien, Wiener Netze GmbH, Wiener Wasserstoff GmbH, Windkraft Simonsfeld AG

Research partners: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz, HyCentA Research GmbH, Technische Universität Wien, Verein WIVA P&G

More details can be found on our project factsheet.

H2REAL is funded by the Austrian climate and energy fund and runs within the scope of the program „Vorzeigeregion Energie“.

Klimafonds Logo Vorzeigeregion LOGO